About Helron SMSF Auditors
HELRON was set up as a professional and personalised public accounting practice to assist clients in a wide range of services. In later years, HELRON limited its work to consultancy and audit work of self managed superannuation funds. Today, SMSF auditing is the main function providing services country wide.
We support and advise accountants and trustees on any SMSF related matter including cases when there have been breaches of the rules. We encourage early intervention when trustees have committed a reportable breach. We will hold discussions with the accountant and/or trustee to deal with any problem before lodging a contravention report. Assistance will be provided in structuring a plan for rectification of the breach before the Australian Taxation Office gets involved.
HELRON also offers specialist auditing services to other auditors on complex matters with their clients. Litigation assistance is provided including marriage breakdown and Family Court matters when dealing with SMSF disputes or splits.
Our principal, Ron Cohen FIPA, has run his own public accounting practice for over 38 years. He has a Master of Taxation, is a Chartered Tax Advisor and an accredited SMSF Specialist Auditor. Ron is a registered SMSF auditor, registration number 100 108 147.